One of the UK’s leading end-of life charities, the
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal helps support everyone through all aspects of dying, death, and bereavement. Wearing your daffodil and taking part in the Great Daffodil Appeal helps ensure that everyone gets the care and support they need towards the end of their lives.
Berrington’s Café at Roden Hall was adorned with Marie Curie bunting and an array of yellow cakes and daffodils covered tabletops. Residents and guests gathered to socialise over coffee and cake while singer Alexandra entertained visitors in the lounge. The team were thrilled to raise over £127.
Karen Robinson, Lifestyle Coordinator at Roden Hall, said:
“The Marie Curie event was a real hit at Roden Hall! It was great to unite residents, families and friends for a worthy cause!”
St George’s Park were joined by year 9 students from Telford Priory School, who had baked cakes ahead of the event and made coffees for guests. Families and friends gathered at the tables with residents for coffee and cake while the children made their way around to speak to everyone.
Holly Preece, Lifestyle Coordinator at St George’s Park, said:
“Thank you to all those for coming along to our charity event and a special thank you to the pupils from Telford Priory for their superb baking. The students interacted with all our residents and families, and it certainly lifted everyone’s spirits”
Operated by Rotherwood Healthcare,
Roden Hall offers award-winning Residential and Nursing Care, whilst
St George’s Park provides award-winning Dementia and Nursing Care.