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St George’s Park Nursing Home Welcomes Great British Cycle Relay for Care Home Open Week

Posted: 25-06-2024

Group of people stood in front of a gold balloon arch with flags

St George’s Park Nursing Home proudly served as an official stop for the Great British Care Cycle Relay as part of Care Home Open Week. This monumental cycling event, which covers 300 miles from Manchester to London, aims to raise awareness of social care across the United Kingdom.

The relay, which highlights the essential care services in communities, brings colleagues, supporters, and families together. Starting in Manchester, participants cycle through beautiful landscapes and visit care communities along a route through Cheshire, North Wales, Shropshire, Birmingham, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and finally into London.

On Tuesday, June 25th, St George’s Park hosted a lunch stop for cyclists on the second leg of their journey. The home was delighted to welcome the cyclists with refreshments and a light lunch to keep them going. Residents and staff cheered on the cyclists, creating a wonderful atmosphere of community and support. Participants also toured the home and gained insight into the specialist dementia care that St George’s Park provides.

Chelsie Walne, Home Manager, expressed her excitement about the event: “We were thrilled to welcome the cyclists and be a part of the Great British Care Cycle Relay. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our commitment to quality care ahead of our Care Home Open Day on Friday. The support and enthusiasm from our residents and staff were truly inspiring.”

St Georges Park continues to set the standard for specialist dementia care and is committed to providing exceptional nursing and dementia care services. For more information, call 01952 619850.